Thursday, July 30, 2009

Package at my doorstep!!

I've always been skeptical about getting involved in home-based distributorships until now. I started researching all the different supplements on the market and found one that seemed to have everything I was looking for. Not only did I feel more mentally alert than ever before, I also recovered from my exercise routing & fought off a cold faster than ever in my life. I initially requested some samples which I immediately took and then placed an order. I have been taking the USANA essentials for the past 60 days. I love the difference so much, that I made the decision to become a distributor myself. As I came home from some errands I found my first package waiting at my doorstep. I am so excited to get started on everything USANA has to offer and spread the health. I'm on a quest to reach my personal ultimate health and I know that with the help of the best supplements, nutrition & fitness program I will achieve my health goal.