Friday, August 14, 2009

Fine tuning the machine

Lately I've been doing a lot of people observing and have noticed a terrible trend. It seems that most people care more about their cars than they do their own bodies. I see people spending top dollar for fuel, fuel additives, gadgets and gizmos to fine tune and increase the horsepower of their cars. At the same time they are not worrying about the most important machine they have, their bodies. They are fueling their bodies with terrible, cheap fuel. They are not exercising or replenishing their bodies with the nutrients they need. I've always been one to eat healthy and put good things in my body and with USANA products my habit is only getting better. I'm not saying that I don't care about my car, I need it to take me from point A to B, but I know that my body will be with me for the long run and it needs top quality fuel, additives and gadgets to keep it going. Why not give it the best with USANA!

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